Turning Pain Into Purpose

Through personalized coaching and inspirational resources, Laura helps you navigate life’s challenges, fostering resilience and personal growth.


I offer personalized coaching tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive the guidance and resources that are most relevant to your situation.


My one-on-one sessions ensure you receive the attention and support necessary to navigate your divorce confidently. Let me help you take control of your future with a plan that’s as unique as you are.


My empowerment services are dedicated to helping you reclaim your strength and independence during and after divorce. We focus on building your confidence, providing you with the tools and strategies to take control of your life.

It’s never too late to learn about your options

Divorce Coaching

You’re working full time. Managing family emotions while dealing with the whirlwind of all YOUR deep moments of feeling overwhelmed. Are you stuck in confusion, second guessing, strategizing, trying to be in the moment while looking into the future, saying goodbye to the past? Where is your SELF-CARE? Are you NOURISHING YOURSELF? I am here to remind YOU, TAKE care of YOURSELF.
As a divorce coach, I partner with professional women, specializing with organizing the emotions, mapping out divorce processes, and providing relief and resources. The result, You’re opening YOUR mind to healing and building peace and empowerment for your NEW space.


As a Certified Family Mediator, I’m committed to creating a compassionate, engaging space where resolutions emerge and everyone’s voice is heard. This is a time where YOU are in control of decisions that are most important to you and your family.

Are you wondering how to navigate all the intricate decisions?
You and your future former spouse deserve a platform that provides opportunities to support emotions, your children AND assets. Mediation is an extremely COST EFFECTIVE WAY to handle ALL matters involved in your DIVORCE. Learn how I work with couples from inception to finalization.

Meet Laura Gordon

My approach to family mediation and divorce coaching is not just about resolving conflict and reaching agreements. It’s also about restoring your sense of self-worth and empowering you to take control of your life and matters important to you. I believe that everyone deserves to life a fulfilling and happy life, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
Whether you’re searching for guidance through the divorce process, seeking emotional support, AND/or looking to rebuild a fabulous abundant life after divorce, I’ll be your unconditional, unwavering ally on this transformative journey.

Valuable benefits that divorce coaching can provide in terms of emotional support, financial savings, and overall well-being.

Statistics demonstrate the significant impact of divorce on individuals
Efficiency and
Time Management
0 %
Divorce coaching can reduce the length of the divorce process by up to
Emotional Support
and Mental Health
0 %
divorce coaching reduced the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Improved Co-Parenting
0 %
Divorce coaching reducing the time and cost to a associated with legal proceedings
Satisfaction Rates
0 %
clients report satisfaction with the outcomes of their divorce when working with a coach.

American Psychological Association
Divorce Magazine

“When we learn how to transform pain, we discover what it means to live a meaningful life”

– Tara Brach

Discover how Laura’s expert guidance has helped individuals navigate the challenges of divorce and emerge stronger and more empowered.

Read the stories and experiences shared by her clients to  understand the positive impact of our coaching services.

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